A significant symbol of marriage is the wedding ring. With what it means and the idea that this piece of jewelry will be on your hand forever, it can be challenging to decide. Equally, we see so many diamond options that it naturally leads us to the question; does it have to be this particular stone? Here is what you need to know.
So, do wedding rings have to be diamond? Traditionally, the diamond has been the most popular option for the rock of a wedding ring. However, there are no rules, and more recently, women have been looking at alternative pieces of jewelry like pearls, other birthstones, and even just the band itself.
And then there is the matter of the engagement ring to consider too.
How they look together, what stone and style are chosen for that particular ring too.
The truth is if we are going to be rocking a rock on our hand for the rest of our lives, then let’s make sure it’s one we love!
Does A Wedding Ring Have To Be A Diamond?
A wedding ring does not have to be a diamond, although it is considered the traditional stone of marriage.
And it has undoubtedly been the most popular choice over the last century.
And there is actually a reason for this.
The truth is, it all started with a marketing campaign in the 1900s that took off when diamonds were less available.
It’s a tradition that has not really been questioned, only up until relatively recently.
Besides, there are other reasons why a diamond is a great choice for a wedding ring!
Perhaps the main one is that a diamond ring typically works so well with the engagement ring.
They tend to complement each other rather well.
Diamond on a diamond can look great, where the diamonds of the engagement ring tie in with the diamonds of the wedding ring.
But depending on the ring, there can certainly be too much diamond or even a clash.
For this reason, some people even opt for an engagement ring that doubles up as a wedding ring – spending all the budget on just one ring as opposed to two.
Can Any Ring Be Used As The Wedding Ring?
Any ring can be used as a wedding ring, so long as it is designated for this purpose. There are no rules as to what a wedding ring needs to be, and different people decide to use different styles and stones, depending on their preferences.
And it’s becoming more common no to have a diamond wedding ring or one completely different altogether.
And the market is responding.
As times are changing and wedding rings and traditions are changing with them, we have more and more options.
There are a lot of combinations and jewelry options on the market now to fit the individualized style.
Being unique and having something personal makes it that much more special!
Let us now look at the different options available:
Customized Bands
Some women love to take personal to a whole new level.
There is nothing sweeter than customizing the inside of your wedding band.
It doesn’t matter whether it is silver with a diamond, rose gold with topaz, or just the band itself.
Writing a date, initials, a meaningful message, or anything important to you will give that little extra you have been looking for!
Customizing bands aren’t the only way to change things up.
While we talk about diamonds because of their popularity, there are a number of other avenues one can go down when it comes to the crown jewel on the wedding band.
In fact, it’s become increasingly popular.
Women are caring less about matching the white diamond with the rest of their outfits now more than ever!
A birthstone is a great way to make something personal to you without banking the break on customization.
If you are an April girl, then the diamond is going to be your birthstone anyways.
Lucky you!
But several other beautiful birthstones are worth mentioning.
Love a certain stone, but it’s not your birth month? Who cares!
Most people don’t know what stone goes with what month, and like we said, it’s all about what you love.
Here are some inspirational ideas for gems that are great alternatives to diamonds.
- Amethyst
- Sapphire
- Emerald
- Pearl
- Topaz
- Opal
- Ruby
There are also some great stones out there that having nothing to do with birthstones. Exploring all your options will give you the best possible choice at the end of the day!
The cut of the diamond or the gem of your choice is also a great way to make the ring your own.
Several classic cuts are offered on the market, but some of the more unique rings will offer shapes and designs that are completely custom to the ring.
Here are the most popular cuts for a ring to choose from.
- Round – Exactly how it sounds. A uniform round cut where the top resembles a circle. They are known for their great brilliance compared to other cuts.
- Princess – Second most popular cut compared to the round, the princess has four corners and is a little heavier.
- Emerald – Somewhat rectangular, the emerald cut features chiseled steps with cropped corners.
- Oval – Also exactly how it sounds. Instead of a circle, the shape will represent an oval.
- Baguette – Similar to the emerald cut as it is rectangular but more elongated. In fact, it also has a step-cut, but its difference lies in 14 facets. Most people actually confuse Emerald and Baguette.
- Pear – Popular with those who want something different. Pear cuts offer 8-10 percent larger gems than a round cut and 10-30 percent cheaper than round.
- Marquise – A skinnier version of an oval with pointed ends to make it almost look like an elongated diamond shape. A unique fit.
- Heart – For those who are all about love and the symbol of the heart. Exactly how it sounds, a heart-shaped cut.
- Radiant – This is close to the emerald, but instead, this rectangular shape is a combination of brilliant cuts and step cuts.
- Cushion – This is a combined cut that has a square shape with rounded corners. This is a classic cut and among one of the most popular.
- Trilliant – This cut comes in the shape of a triangle that has many different variations to choose from.
Can You Use A Wedding Band As An Engagement Ring?
You can absolutely use a wedding band as an engagement ring. In fact, it’s becoming more popular to mix up the norms. It used to be more popular to have a wedding band and an engagement ring with a gem. Now, some people prefer to do just the opposite.
Here are your options!
Engagement Band Vibes
Something that is becoming trendier is to have an engagement ring become the wedding band.
Some women have loved taking a rose gold band and putting a customized message on the inside.
Then they later pair it with a diamond wedding ring that also has rose gold tints.
This is just one example of how turning a wedding band into an engagement ring can be a wonderful option.
What Makes A Ring A Wedding Ring?
In the simplest terms, what makes a ring, a wedding ring, is the symbol of the ring itself. It’s meant to represent eternity because a ring is never-ending. Your vows are to love the person till the end of time, and this is what makes a ring a wedding ring. It is not necessarily that it has a diamond or big jewel on top.
While it’s traditional and customary to have a jewel on top of a wedding ring or to have a band, it is not one specific style or look that qualifies or not as a wedding ring.
Typically, wedding rings and bands do tend to be more expensive than a regular ring.
It’s more about where you wear the ring than it is what the ring actually is.
Choosing Your Own
The wedding ring does not have to be a diamond. In fact, most wedding rings actually are bands, and the engagement ring is the diamond.
But with all the changing ideals and traditions, there is no saying what should be what anymore.
Some women like to have bands as engagement rings and then a wedding ring that sports a unique shape like a pear in a Topaz or a different kind of gem. The reason for this is that women like to have their own style.
Just remember why diamonds are a great choice. They are timeless and go with everything. Trends sometimes trends fade, but diamond rings are forever.
If it is something you only like for the summer, then it may not be for you.

Hey, I’m Allison – a recent bride, an expectant mother and the chief editor here at Everlasting Occasion. Here I document all the knowledge and experience I accumulated while researching and planning my dream wedding and ahead of our new baby. Here, I try to answer those many questions couples have when planning their dream wedding, while equally, helping expectant parents ahead of their new arrival!